Asian Cup Competition for Creative Fashion and Styling made its debut at Vanung University, Taoyuan City on October 21, 2015. A total of 711 contestants represented 19 colleges and high schools from Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Paraguay were competing with each other. The winners would get the opportunities to work in fashion-related industries.
The invited guests include Mr. Hatanaka Kazunori, a sought-after hairdresser from Japan. Mr. Kazunori served as a contest judge at a variety of hairdressing contests in Tokyo. At present, he is the Technical Director at over 45 chains of NEOLIVE hair salons. This time he was specially invited to Taiwan as the chief judge of the competition.
Dr. Chang Chuang, the principal of Vanung University said, “I hope that we would enhance our students’ practical skills for enterprises through the competition and the opportunity of industry-university cooperation.” The chair of Cosmetics Department, Ms. Ming Hui Lin added, “In the past, Taiwan got impressive results in the beauty and hair styling competition. This is an important reason why the contestants came all the way from different countries to learn from Taiwan's experience.”
There are over 1000 students who are Cosmetics majors at Vanung University. In addition, the Department of Hair Styling and Design at VNU has the most numerous students among the fashion stylist related departments in the North. Recently, Vanung University spent heavily to build an "Internship Landscape Wedding Restaurant" so that students can be intern bridal consultants and stylists. The university’s efforts would greatly enhance its students’ employability and competitiveness.
Through this competition, Vanung University has become the bridge of Taiwan’s government and enterprises, which brings together the students, industrial trainings, and academics.